We hiked several of the trails, with a stop in the middle for lunch near the pier. Afterward we walked up the observation towers, which gave a bird’s-eye view of the landscape. Our last escapade in the park was the auto tour. As escapades go, it was a bit slow. We got to watch a hawk stalk it’s lunch, which was fun. But otherwise, there didn’t seem to be much to look at except damage done by hogs. It might have been the time of year, or just our general lack of excitement about spending more time in the car.

For getting outside, ironically our trips can take a lot of car time. There are no public campsites in Aransas NWR, and not much around it. The closest place for us to stay was Goose Island State Park, which is still about 45 minutes away. I take a pack in, pack out approach even in the car. Everyone gets their own waterproof bag of food. Trash goes back in the bag. Somehow the principle is followed much more closely outdoors than in the car (this stink-eye in the rear-view is for you, kids).

Get out, but bring your trash back.