The next morning, the temperature was still dropping. It hit a very damp 39 degrees around 8 am. I dug ourselves out of our sleeping bags long enough to take a peak outside. The sky was overcast, steam rising from the lake, and all was silent, save for the wind and three witches singing in the distance.

I made breakfast and promptly climbed back into my sleeping bag. We spent our morning watching the new Carmen Sandiego cartoon and generally slothing until the temperature rose back above a balmy 40 degrees after 10 am.
We packed up camp and headed out in drizzling rain to check out the CCC-built recreation hall at the overlook on Lakeside Trail. The lichen were amazing.

After a lot of bargaining, I convinced my kid to try out the Nopales Ridge Loop with me. She opted for hiking rather than biking.

After a long stop and snack at the visitor’s center to warm up (sorry for the mud!), we went back out to complete the trail. A little blue sky came out to say hi, along with a family of white-tailed deer. A very complicated game of tag with hand signs and rules I never learned kept us warm on our way back to the car.
Get out, and camp through a 55 degree temperature swing.