A large flood control reservoir with boating, swimming, cliff jumping and hiking

Covering 37 square miles and reaching 100 feet deep in some places, Lake Whitney is a huge flood control reservoir on the Brazos River. The dam generates hydroelectric power for 30,000 homes and farms in the area.

The lake is surrounded predominantly by homes and farm land—in fact, we saw cows grazing along the shore across from the park. With all the land development, the park offers one of the few remnants of open prairie habitat that is left in the region.

We arrived at the park late enough for after hours check-in. But, we still had plenty of time to get the tent up before sunset. After setting up camp, we explored the shoreline near the Sunset Ridge camping loop, and took a sunset hike around the short (one mile or so) Towash Forest trail. It was stunning.
My daughter was quite obsessed with this plant that looked white-ish (in the photo above). I haven't a clue what it is. Feel free to identify it for me. She took a plant along with her for the rest of our hike. It featured highly in several impromptu skits.