The park has a really nice swim area. We already have plans to come back with friends over the summer and stay in one of the many cabins in the large developed area near the swim beach. It seems perfect for a relaxing summer trip with kids. Stay tuned for that!
The wind seemed to have picked up though, so we chose to hike instead of kayak. We headed out on the Two Bridges Trail. It was true to it's name.
The Two Bridges Trail shows off the oak mottes characteristic of Washita Prairie. My daughter found a couple of Live Oaks to climb, and one way too large to climb. The tree was impressive!
With only two formal hiking trails, the park lacks mileage. But, it makes up for it in beauty. The hikes can be lengthened by walking along the shoreline, of which there is plenty! Even the Two Bridges Trail skirted near the lake.
Get out, and spook a coot.