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  • Luisa

Lettuce Lake Park -page 2

Updated: Nov 12, 2019

Along the boardwalk is a 5-story observation tower overlooking the junction of the lake and the Hillsborough river. It was also good for creepy photos.

A view of Lettuce Lake

A view of Hillsborough River

Big Brother is watching you

Another mini-hike through the (dry) hardwood and pine forest took us to the playground, where we ate lunch. After lunch we headed out in a canoe that we rented from park headquarters. We had a pretty low-key paddle along the Hillsborough river since I was still recovering from surgery. Fun fact: canoes weigh more than 15 pounds, the max weight I was supposed to lift. Maybe don’t canoe and recover from holes in your stomach, friends. It was worth it, though.

Along the river

We saw lots of birds, patted a few cypress knees, and found the lettuce-like plants for which the lake is named. On the way back, we got up close and personal with a gator hanging out on the shore. We were drifting quietly along to get a good view, but then my capacity to contribute to backing our arse up was subpar. We were never in any danger, I’m just overly cautious when traveling with a delicious 50-pound meal. The gator was much more interested in getting away from the boat.

Oil floating on the water at the boat dock

Get out and worry some wildlife (but don't make a habit of it).

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