Glamping, hiking, and water sports on Lake Georgetown

Last month we went camping at the USACE Jim Hogg Park with friends from our neighborhood/daughter’s school. Like Russell Park, which I’ve blogged about before, Jim Hogg is on the north side of Lake Georgetown. Unlike Russell Park, Jim Hogg has fully-developed glamping sites. It’s electric… boogie woogie woogie woogie….
I reserved a site that overlooked the lake and was within eyesight, and a short jaunt down a grassy path, to the bathrooms. I prefer to be able to point rather than have to get up every time a kid needs to go. It was a pretty prime spot.

My daughter was so excited for this trip because her best school friend and former reading buddy (who happen to be brothers) were both coming. I was excited because, adults! The last few camping trips have been me and the under ten set.
After we set up camp, we all headed down the rocky slope to the water’s edge. We took the kayak down and got to work inflating it. It's a tandem, so it works well for paddling lessons.

Each of the kids tried out their hand at paddling (with me in back). First, I headed down towards the swim area along the protected inlet with them. On the second round of turns, I took the more confident paddlers out to the main body of the lake, hanging a right towards Russell Park. I will report that we made it through without anyone taking a swim. I did not make it through with any remaining circulation below my knees. Standing in the water while exchanging kids was a bit chilly. There was no sympathy from my husband, who thought I was mad.

After changing into dry duds, we got down to the business of campfire dwelling. Our friends brought gourmet campfire dishes and fancy coffee. My family suffered through the standard sausage and corn-on-the-cob fare, heavily supplemented by fancy food (thank you, friends!).

Madlibs were the evening activity. The kids really got into it, which was fun to see.
